Duchess Jessica "Jessie" Pendragon
Name: Jessica Pendragon
Age: 16
DOB: June 16th Hair
Color: Copper red
Eye Color: Violet
Theme Song: “Breakaway” Kelly Clarkson
Favorite Book: The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
Favorite Movie: Dragonheart
Hi, I’m Jessie Pendragon. Jessica Elizabeth Pendragon, technically, but just about everyone I know calls me Jess, or Jessie.
Everyone I know … actually, that’s quite a lot of people. You see, my parents were never married, and I live during the school year with my mom – Dr. Alison Blaise, a vet – and during the summer and over Christmas Break I live with my dad and twin brother. My twin’s name is Tommy, my dad … well, he’s King Arthur. Yeah, that King Arthur. Sword in the Stone, Round Table, Holy Grail—although he didn’t actually have anything to do with the actual, you know, chalice or anything. The knights were involved in that. It’s not—it’s not always easy, trying to straddle those two worlds. I mean, in the 21st century, I’m skinny, and sort of quiet, and a total nerd. I read for fun – fantasy novels, mostly, I tend to identify with them – and I write for the school paper. In the fifth century, I may be a girl, and a bastard, and a witch -- a burnable offense – but I’m the king’s daughter, so somehow I’m theoretically at or near the top of the food chain. What about my being a witch? Oh, I found out I was a witch, or sorceress as I prefer, when I was nine. My aunt Morgan, Morgan le Fay, taught me how to use my powers. She’s one of the few people I can confide in, really. She just accepts what she sees.The other people? Well, my mom. And to a lesser extent my dad. He doesn’t really understand me, but he tries (which is a lot more than I can say for a lot of fifth-century dads). And my friends. Dannie, of course, she’s my best friend in the world. I can trust her with absolutely everything, and she always sticks by me. I just try to return the favor. And let’s see … well, Lynn, sort of, though she’s really timid and I don’t want to worry her. Tommy, sometimes, though we both tend to fray each other’s (hot, it goes with the hair) tempers. And Will … always Will. Other than Morgan and Dannie, I think he’s the one who understands me best.
Guys? Oh, God, I wish there were guys. Or just a guy, I don’t need a harem. But at JFK – John F. Kennedy High School – I’m pretty much on the bottom of the social ladder. And when you ask a guy out and have him laugh in your face once, you’re not too keen to try it again. Even with other guys. But if I could have anyone … absolutely anyone … I guess … he’d be tall, dark, handsome …chivalrous, a gentleman … but sweet … and brave, braver than anyone I know, though he doesn’t admit it him—oh my God, did I say all that out loud??
Um—um—the summer when I turned sixteen? Ok, yeah, let’s talk about that. It was—well, I brought Dannie to Camelot. I don’t know who was more shocked, she or the court … and my hormones woke up. Unfortunately, they didn’t make me look like a girl or anything like that, they just messed with my head … and my heart. But everything was going pretty well, until my half-brother Mordred started trying to kill me and, worse, my friends.
Life definitely got interesting from there. Still … I think I came out all right. I think we all did.