Danielle "Dannie" Ferreira
Name: Danielle Ferreira
Age: 17
DOB: March 23rd
Hair color: Dyed black, naturally truffle brown
Eye color: Dark chocolate brown
Theme Song: “Be Somebody” 3 Doors Down
Favorite Book: Born to Run by Mercedes Lackey
Favorite Movie: The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Hey! My name’s Dannie Ferreira, what’s yours? Well, pleased to meet you.
My parents? They died in a car accident. When I was four. I—don’t like to talk about it too much. But I was raised by my Granny, and she’s awesome. I wish I could have gotten to know my parents better, but Granny kicks behind. Granny’s a witch, by the way. So I’m used to dealing with magic, even though I can’t do any myself.
Most people would say I’m a bit odd. I’m a Goth, a drummer, a metalhead, an amateur photographer, and an aspiring fashion designer. I make pretty good grades in school, good enough to keep up with Jessie in all those honors classes we take together. (She’s a bit of an overachiever.) I’m a people person, and I love to watch and observe the folks around us.My Granny taught me to use my eyes and ears, and to use my head. People sometimes are a little surprised by what I know.
I’ve lived next door to my friend Jess ever since we were both in diapers, and we’ve been friends for about that long, too. We’re sort of opposites, but sort of the same. We’re both a little on the odd side – though I didn’t really realize this until the summer when we were sixteen – but while I revel in my weirdness (hey, why fight it?), Jessie’s odd in a desperately-trying-to-be-normal kind of way. But she’s awesome, and I couldn’t ask for a better best friend. She’s always there for me, and I try to return the favor.
Dating? Yeah, I’ve dated. A couple nice guys, a couple jerks – nothing too terribly serious, until I got with Rob. Well … other than Ryd … but that was a summer fling, really. He was sweet, though, and I kinda miss him. But I wouldn’t give up what I have with Rob for anything. We click, you know, even if he does listen to country.
The summer when I was sixteen? Oh, that was a trip! Jessie brought me to Camelot. I had no idea her relatives were so … so … odd. And repressive, especially to women. That pissed me off, but I didn’t have time to stay pissed off, since Jessie’s deranged half-brother started making trouble for all of us.
What a ride.