Sir Dai ap Owain

Name: Dai ap Owain

Age: 16

DOB: May 23rd

Hair color: Light ash brown

Eye color: Olive-hazel

Theme Song: “Dancing through Life” Wicked

Favorite Book: Why read when you could be out fighting, flirting, chilling or all three?

Favorite Movie: N/A

Good day. Yes, I’m Dai ap Owain. Sir Dai, now, I was knighted last May. Yes, I’m Welsh. Let me guess, it was the name that tipped you off? Or was it the accent?

Yes, I run with Sir Thomas and his friends. Tom and I tie for the least serious people in the group, though sometimes I think there’s more going on in Tom’ s head than he lets on. Only sometimes, though. Most of the time he’s refreshingly normal.

My father sent me to Arthur’s court when I was twelve – well, he went with me to make sure I didn’t get killed on the road – he thought it good to have a representative of our interests there, even if said representative was still a squire. I’ve learned a lot in my stay at Camelot, and even though the Welsh will always be for the Welsh, I do admire the king.

Still, I fear that there is something—bad—going on at court. I can’t put my finger on quite what it is … but I don’t like it. Good thing I have Wales to retreat to.

Sir Rainier de Ganis

Name: Rainier de Ganis

Age: 16

DOB: November 24th

Hair color: Brown-black

Eye color: Muddy green

Theme Song: “Bigger than my Body” John Mayer

Favorite Book: The Aeneid by Virgil

Favorite Movie: N/A

Bonjour! Oh, you want me to speak in English? That’s fine. I’m Rainier de Ganis, son of Lionel de Ganis. The second son, the spare, but my father was a second son too. And Corentin is a good older brother, so it’s all right.

I’ve lived in Camelot since I was twelve, though I still don’t quite fit in. My cousin Will does his best, and his acceptance does a lot for getting Corentin and I accepted, but you can only expect so much out of a basically shy person. I’m still only a squire, though, so maybe when I’m a knight I’ll go on quests like Father, Oncle Bors and Sir Lancelot and win fame and fortune for myself.

L-lady Gwendolyn? Well … um … she … she’s perfect, really. A model maiden. But—but it’s not like it matters how I feel about her. Her father will never let me court her. I’m the second son, even if she is illegitimate and probably will have to make do with a second son. And I’m her cousin, so neither family really gets anything from the match. Still … a man can dream …

Sir Bennet of York

Name: Bennet of York

Age: 16

DOB: November 12th

Hair color: Dark natural blonde

Eye color: Indigo blue

Theme Song: “Ordinary” Train

Favorite Book: The Bible

Favorite Movie: N/A

Greetings. I am Bennet of York, squire and son of Benedict of York, one of Arthur’s most loyal men. Oh, don’t think you’ll recognize the name. My father – all of us Yorks – are loyal in a more prosaic way than the knights like Sir Lancelot or Sir Gawaine. The knights go on quest to bring glory to the King’s name, while men like my father stay home. We serve the King by being good lords to our vassals, good stewards of the land, and guarding the York coast. We’re there for him in battle if he needs us, but we much prefer to stay home.

I’m going to be a knight soon, though I don’t think I’ll be very good at it. I’m not much of a fighter – honestly, I’d rather be in the Church. But I’m my father’s only heir, so I don’t have a choice. Luckily, Tom Pendragon allows me to be one of his companions. He says we need someone with more brain than brawn, to make up for the lack of brain on everyone else’s part.

Everyone around court has been whispering about something going on … something bad, something to do with Mordred. Even Tom’s been troubled recently. I can’t tell what it is … but I’m Arthur’s man to the end. And Tom’s.

Sir Corentin de Ganis

Name: Corentin de Ganis

Age: 17

DOB: February 10th

Hair color: Raven black

Eye color: Oak brown

Theme Song: “Welcome to my Life” Simple Plan

Favorite Book: Julius Caesar’s Gallic Wars

Favorite Movie: N/A

Bonjour. Mon nom est Corentin de Ganis, fils de Lionel de Ganis. Eh—you wish to speak in English? Very well, English it will be, since I find myself in the court of Camelot.

I am, as I said, the son of Lionel de Ganis, son of King Bors of Gannes. I was raised in France with my brother Rainier. We traveled to England for fostering and training when I was fourteen and Rainier twelve. We have befriended our second cousin, Will – Guillaume, I call him, when I am in the mood to annoy him – and his friends, the King’s son and his companions. They are good enough sorts, if hopelessly English.

Still, England is not my home, and the court of Camelot may be the greatest in the world, but it is still a foreign court to me. The English worship Lancelot, Father, Oncle Bors, but the rest of us they view with thinly veiled suspicion. I like it not. Trouble will come to us because of this schism. At least I know our family will stick together, come what may.

King Ryd

Name: King Ryd

Age: 16

DOB: April 14th

Hair color: Dark auburn

Eye color: China blue

Theme Song: “Believe” Yellowcard

Favorite Book: The Odyssey by Homer

Favorite Movie: N/A

Hello. I’m Ryd, King of the Out Isles, son of Pelleas and Nimue. My father died two years ago, and I’ve been trying as best I can to live up to his memory. He was a good king and great knight. My mother … the denizens of Camelot don’t like her, but she was young when she made her—mistakes. I think she was more misguided than evil, and I think she’s outgrown her … tendencies. I know she loves my brother and two sisters and I as any mother would.

I suppose I’m a bit—different than most of the men of Camelot. I notice that I listen when the ladies speak, where most of them just nod and take no mind of what they say. I think I listen more in general than most people. And I notice that I’m quieter than most of the other young men. Maybe I’m just a country bumpkin … and maybe that’s why I’m so attracted to Lady Danielle, because she is different too … But—ever since I came to Camelot, I’ve noticed that things have been—troubled. Even my mother is acting differently. She’s been quite close to Sir Mordred. I hope they’re not planning anything … bad …